3 Signs of Hail Damage

Summer weather can bring plenty of heat and sunshine, but it can also bring severe thunderstorms and hail. Indiana ranks ninth in the country when it comes to homeowners making hail damage claims, and most of those are for the … Continued

3 Signs Your Roof Is Suffering from Dry Rot

At Centennial Construction & Remodeling Services, Inc., most of the roof damage we repair is hail and storm damage and missing or damaged shingles. However, one repair that we don’t see often – but that can cause significant damage – … Continued

A Roofing Leak vs. Poor Attic Ventilation

When spring rolls around in Indianapolis and snow begins to melt, we at Centennial Construction & Remodeling Services, Inc. get many service calls about leaking roofs. Homeowners notice moisture in their homes or attics, and the immediate assumption is that … Continued